Dirk Jonker

Born 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa

Lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa

Dirk studied Product Design at the Technicon of the Witwatersrand, now Johannesburg University, and subsequently worked as a product designer, and design draughtsman for twenty years. During the Covid lockdown he rediscovered pottery, as a means of expressing his desire to create, but without the need of hours on a computer. He felt that working the clay might strengthen his hands mitigating the damage done by his previous career and help him heal.

Dirk Jonker is an artist who works in a variety of media. He feels compelled to create new, original art, both in tangible media and expressive arts and considers creativity an essential key to realising our humanity. Understanding that design is an iterative process, each person building on the works of others seen and unseen. There is a mystery to inspiration that lends it a spiritual air.

Dirk exhibited some of his work as an artist in the Melkbos Ateljee 2023 showing sculpture, water colour painting and wheel thrown pottery. He offers workshops in a mix of media. As a self-educated actor, and no stranger to imposter syndrome, he continues his work as an artist, potter and performer.

"Like all artists, I am engaged in a dialogue with my media, taking influences from the sea of information that floods in from the internet via social media. The search for a sustainable income has become a guiding principal, and I have abandoned my search for essential truth and meaning in art as primary motivation, preferring the hard truth that consumer culture seeks to cheapen and mass produce appealing items. I wants in. Licensing deals are welcomed."

*Dirk is aware that these words are the emperor's new clothes, but wears them proudly.

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1971 -
Nationality: South African
Residence: Melkbosstrand, Cape Town, South Africa
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