Goldendean AKA Dean Hutton

Born 1976 in Johannesburg, South Africa

Lives and works in Johannesburg, South Africa

Goldendean (they/them) is a genderqueer transmedia artist provoking dialogue about the gaze, queer bodies, love and social justice. A.K.A. Dean Hutton, they have worked across photojournalism, print, digital, video and social media, performance and community action since the late 1990s.

Their strategy of simple actions share moments of soft courage to produce radical queer counter narratives and disrupt spaces. Their creative practice extends to compassionate forms of arts education through embodied knowledge production.

They are currently an Artist-In-Residence at the University of Johannesburg. 

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Artist Facebook Page

1976 -
Nationality: South African
Residence: Johannesburg, South Africa
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