Oscar Henning

Born 1973 in Pretoria, South Africa

Lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa

Working predominantly in sculpture, I employ a multi-disciplinary approach to a variety of materials. As a mostly self-taught artist, I draw on all my previous work experience and expertise and this bleeds into my process and output. Having spent decades making jewellery, I have developed precise hand skills and an attention to detail. This aligns with the emphasis on nuance and subtle complexity in my current work. At the moment, I am interested in materials, particularly recycled, found or overlooked materials. The discovery and selection process is also of significance.

Deconstruction and reconstruction are recurring themes. Conceptually, I am exploring my selective misanthropy by picking at the cruelty, absurdity and foolishness of humanity.

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1973 -
Nationality: South African
Residence: Cape Town, South Africa
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