Andy Kassier featured in 'The Artist Is Online' Group Exhibition at KÖNIG GALERIE

Published 16 March 2021 in News


'The Artist Is Online' Group Exhibition


Alexandrinenstraße 118-121, 10969 Berlin, Germany

Painting and sculpture in the postdigital age.

KÖNIG GALERIE presents the international group exhibition 'THE ARTIST IS ONLINE. PAINTING AND SCULPTURE IN THE POSTDIGITAL AGE' curated by Anika and Johann Koenig. In the gallery's saleroom around 70 works are shown by 50 artists, who are at home on social media. In the media of painting and sculpture, they react to the mechanisms of the attention economy and to technological innovations. They digitize painting, visualize data sets and reflect the mobility of images.

'THE ARTIST IS ONLINE' consists of three elements:

Exhibition in KÖNIG's saleroom with 70 artworks by 50 artists.

Date: 18 March – 18 April 2021

Venue: KÖNIG, St. Agnes, Berlin

A large selection of the works will be on view in KÖNIG's virtual gallery, so that the exhibition is accessible to the international public.

Date: 18 March 2021

Venue: KÖNIG GALERIE app (App Store)

Digital paintings and sculptures by around 20 digital artists are exhibited at KÖNIG in Decentraland. Decentraland is a virtual world based on the blockchain. The works can be purchased from the walls as NFTs.

Date: 21 March – 21 April 2021

Venue: KÖNIG, Decentraland

Coordinates: 36.100

For more information about the Exhibition please navigate to the KÖNIG GALERIE website here

Image Credit: Manuel Rossner