ESCAP3 Gallery Collaborates with Contemporary Lab (UK)

Published 12 December 2022 in News

ESCAP3 Gallery Collaborates with Contemporary Lab, a Consultant Agency which represents Artists from the Middle East and Arab regions.

About Contemporary Lab

'Contemporary Lab' is a company in which we have two kinds of developing concepts:

First curating exhibitions, project consultancy / Assistance and follow up with established Artists mainly from the Middle East and the Arab world region.

The second is dedicated to upcoming talents in the Art field – graduation projects orientation and after graduation follow up to have the young exposure in the large art scene world wide.

  • The strategy used to evaluate an artist work based on the contemporary Art scene in a region and in the world.
  • The Artwork production follow-up and orientation.
  • Is Art meant to be only for Artists? Why pursuing an art cursus is important?
  • Focusing on the Process of the Artwork and the Exhibition research Processes more than the outcome of the artists or the curator.

Founder and Director of 'Contemporary Lab', Madiha Sebbani works extensively with Contemporary Artists from the Arab World and the Middle East and Africa. She has curated several international exhibitions and conducted multiple interviews in the media. Working as an Agent for several Artists, she could share aspects of her creative process which ensures successful collaboration between a Curator and an Artist, as well as the challenges experienced by contemporary artists today in creating a sustainable career.

Learn more about Contemporary Lab by navigating to the Projects Menu here