Natasha Norman Featured in 'Between Worlds - Mokuhanga' Group Exhibition

Published 06 June 2022 in News

Kentler International Drawing Space

'Between Worlds - Mokuhanga' Group Exhibition

Kentler International Drawing Space

353 Van Brunt St, Brooklyn, NY 11231, United States of America

17 June - 31 July 2022

Mokuhanga prints by nine international artists.  

Between 2017-2019, nine artists met by chance at the Mokuhanga Innovation Laboratory (MI-Lab) in Kawaguchi-ko, Japan, and catalyzed the formation of the 'Mokuhanga Sisters' print collective. Their correspondence and collaborations continue.

'Mokuhanga Sisters'

Katie Baldwin, Patty Hudak, Mariko Jesse, Kate MacDonagh, Yoonmi Nam, Natasha Norman, Mia O, Lucy May Schofield, Melissa Schulenberg.

For more information about the exhibition please navigate to Kentler International Drawing Space website here

Image Credit: Natasha Norman, 'Suspension: Pond Skaters', Mokuhanga, 40 x 40cm, 2021

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