Neo Theku Featured in 'Bubbles' at The Viewing Room Art Gallery

Published 08 July 2024 in News

Bubbles: Exploring Fragility and Fluidity Curated by Sarah-Jean Viljoen

The Viewing Room Art Gallery at St. Lorient

492 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria 0011, South Africa

06 - 30 July 2024

Participating Artists:

The immersive installation Bubbles: Exploring Fragility and Fluidity explores the complex theme of bubbles. Bubbles are fleeting yet fascinating phenomenon that can be seen in daily life, science, art, and nature. This exhibition invites viewers to connect with these fascinating aspects through interactive installations, artworks, educational displays, and thought-provoking experiences. It aims to examine the symbolic, scientific, artistic, and cultural qualities of bubbles. Bubbles are symbolic to the literal or the figurative meaning of being in a bubble or being around bubbles.