Octavia Roodt Featured in 'Is Ons Nog ‘n Ding?' Group Exhibition

Published 05 September 2022 in News

Lizamore and Associates

Octavia Roodt Featured in 'Is Ons Nog ‘n Ding? [Are We Still a Thing?]' Group Exhibition

Curated By Lawrence Lemanoana and Johan Stegmann, in collaboration with Dineke van der Walt and KKNK.

Lizamore and Associates

3 Hetty Avenue, Fairland, Johannesburg, South Africa

02 - 29 September 2022

The creators of 'Bitterkomix' are juxtaposed with the next generation of ‘Afrikaans’ artists in an interrogation of longing and belonging.

Participating Artists: Anton Kannemeyer, Conrad Botes, Octavia Roodt, Johan Stegmann, Izak Buys, Nina Torr, Peter Mammes, Heidi Fourie, Barry vd Westhuizen, Lawrence Lemaoana.


The creators of Bitterkomix are juxtaposed with the next generation of ‘Afrikaans’ artists. They use and misuse the term “Afrikaner” in a plainly solipsistic endeavour to interrogate longing and belonging. What ensues is a search for potential redemptions and transformations and — hopefully — a deeper understanding of the Self and the Other.

The project is guided by scholar and artist Lawrence Lemaoana. The project began as Lemaoana helped to develop a body of work by artists Johan Stegmann, Octavia Roodt and Izak Buys. They found interesting synergies between their work, which inevitably led to the question: 'Is Ons ‘n Ding? [Are We Still a Thing?]'.

Based on this seed of a question, the following artists reacted: Nina Torr, Peter Mammes, Heidi Fourie and Barry van der Westhuizen. Thus, a dynamic, generational group was formed, with differing relationships to the idea of ‘Afrikanerdom’.

The value of a ‘thing’ truly comes into view when placed next to other ‘things’. Hence the circle was increased twice more:

The ‘young Afrikaners’ were excited to welcome responses from the infamous and fundamental duo, Anton Kannemeyer and Conrad Botes. Bitterkomix is frequently raised in younger artist’s discussions around ‘Afrikaner art’. The show’s interrogation of a longing for belonging hereby takes on new dimensions — of time and generational perspective.

The final expansion hints at things to come, as Lawrence adds the ‘outsider’ perspective, while simultaneously having intimate knowledge and input on this unfolding creative process.

The Group Exhibition will also be Exhibited at the KKNK 2023, 01 - 09 April, Prince Vintcent-building, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, South Africa. To view the program please navigate to the KKNK website here.

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