Powerful Creature of the Unknown (ÁquaAir Elementals Series)

Weight: 67g

"From High in the sky to the Depths of the Ocean.

From Ancient times to the present moment.

This powerful Tetradactyl displays its strength.

Flying through the sky... Diving to the depths of the Ocean.

Mighty & Majestic... Graceful & Wise... Spreading its Wings in a display of Power.

Tap into Your Inner Power...

The wisdom of Past Creations...

Escape the old & Embrace the New.

Fly through the Air & Sea... Remember the Magic within You & Me."

Image credit: (Courtesy of The Artist & Real Happy Pictures) 

  • Powerful Creature of the Unknown (ÁquaAir Elementals Series)
  • Veronica Sleigh
  • 2024
  • Found objects, soldering lead, bone, acrylic paint, glass and wood beads
  • Certificate of Authenticity Provided
  • 57 x 67 x 10 centimeters
  • Sold
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